Publicidad prohibida


NAC 630.185 Standards established. (NRS 630.130) NAC 630.185 to 630.230, inclusive, set forth the standards of practice established by the Board.
(Added to NAC by Bd. of Medical Exam’rs, eff. 6-23-86; A 7-18-96)

NAC 630.187 Adoption by reference of Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Dietary Guidelines for Americans. (NRS 630.130, 630.275)

  1. The Board hereby adopts by reference:
    (a) The Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain, July 2013, published by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc.; and
    (b) The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, 7th edition, published jointly by the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture pursuant to 7 U.S.C. § 5341, and any subsequent revision of those publications that has been approved by the Board for use in this State. Each revision of those publications shall be deemed approved by the Board unless it disapproves of the revision within 180 days after the date of publication of the revision.
  2. The most recent publication of:
    (a) The Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain that has been approved by the Board will be available for inspection at the office of the Board of Medical Examiners, 1105 Terminal Way, Suite 301, Reno, Nevada 89502, or may be obtained, free of charge, from the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc., 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Euless, Texas 76039, or from the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc., at the Internet address
    (b) The Dietary Guidelines for Americans that has been approved by the Board will be available for inspection at the office of the Board of Medical Examiners, 1105 Terminal Way, Suite 301, Reno, Nevada 89502, or may be obtained, free of charge, from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the United States Department of Health and Human Services at the Internet address
  3. The Board shall:
    (a) Review each revision of a publication described in subsection 1 to ensure its suitability for this State; and
    (b) File a copy of each revision of a publication described in subsection I that it approves with the Secretary of State and the State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator.
    (Added to NAC by Bd. of Medical Exam’rs by R089-00, eff. 7-19-2000; A by R059-11, 5-30- 2012; R001-14, 6-26-2015; R021-15, 12-30-2015)

NAC 630.190 Prohibited advertising. (NRS 630.130, 630.304)

  1. A licensee shall not advertise in such a manner that the advertising:
    (a) Claims that a manifestly incurable disease can be permanently cured;
    (b) Includes any false claim of a licensee’s medical skill, or the efficacy or value of his or her
    medicine or treatment;
    (c) Claims or implies professional superiority of the performance of any professional service in a
    manner superior to that of other practitioners;
    (d) Guarantees any professional service or the results of any course of treatment or surgical
    procedure, or the performance of any operation painlessly;
    (e) Includes any statement which is known to be false, or through the exercise of reasonable care
    should be known to be false, deceptive, misleading or harmful, in order to induce any person to
    purchase, utilize or acquire any professional services or to enter into any obligation or transaction
    relating thereto;
    (f) Includes any extravagant claim, aggrandizement of abilities or self-laudatory statement
    calculated to attract patients, and which has a tendency to mislead the public or produce unrealistic
    expectations in particular cases; or
    (g) Is false, deceptive or misleading in regard to the price, cost, charge, fee or terms of credit or
    services performed or to be performed.
  2. It is sufficient for disciplinary purposes that any statement or other advertising described in
    paragraph (e), (f) or (g) of subsection 1 has a tendency to:
    (a) Deceive, mislead or harm the public because of its false, deceptive, misleading or harmful character; or
    (b) Produce unrealistic expectations in particular cases, even though no member of the public is
    actually deceived, misled or harmed, or no unrealistic expectations are actually produced by the
    statement or other advertising.
    [Bd. of Medical Exam’rs, § 630.190, eff. 12-20-79] — (NAC A 6-23-86; R138-11, 9-14-2012)

NAC 630.205 Prescription of appetite suppressants. (NRS 630.130, 630.275)

  1. A physician or physician assistant who is authorized to prescribe controlled substances may
    prescribe an appetite suppressant to control the weight of a patient if the appetite suppressant is
    prescribed for use in the treatment of exogenous obesity as part of a program of medical treatment
    which includes dietary restrictions, modification of behavior and exercise and:
    (a) The physician or physician assistant determines that the patient’s obesity represents a threat to
    the patient’s health; or
    (b) The patient’s weight exceeds by not less than 20 percent the upper limit of the patient’s
    healthy weight as described in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans adopted by reference in NAC
  2. A physician or physician assistant shall not prescribe an appetite suppressant for more than 3
    months, unless the patient:
    (a) Has lost an average of not less than 2 pounds per month since he or she began taking the
    appetite suppressant; or
    (b) Has maintained his or her weight at the level which was established by the patient’s physician
    or a physician assistant under the supervision of his or her physician.
  3. A physician or physician assistant who prescribes an appetite suppressant for more than 3
    months shall maintain a record of the patient’s weight at the beginning and end of each month during which the patient takes the appetite suppressant.
  4. Before prescribing an appetite suppressant, a physician or physician assistant shall obtain a
    medical history and perform a physical examination of the patient and conduct appropriate studies to determine if there are any contraindications to the use of the appetite suppressant by the patient.
  5. As used in this section, “appetite suppressant” means a drug or other substance listed in
    schedule IV pursuant to NAC 453.540 which is used to suppress the appetite of a natural person.
    (Added to NAC by Bd. of Medical Exam’rs, eff. 7-18-96; A by R108-01, 11-29-2001; R021-15, 12-30-2015)

NAC 630.210 Consultation with another provider of health care. (NRS 630.130) A physician shall seek consultation with another provider of health care in doubtful or difficult cases whenever it appears that consultation may enhance the quality of medical services.
[Bd. of Medical Exam’rs, § 630.210, eff. 12-20-79] — (NAC A 6-23-86)

NAC 630.225 Reporting of physician brought into this State for consultation with or assistance to licensed physician. (NRS 630.130)

  1. Any physician licensed in this State shall notify the Board if any unlicensed physician comes
    into this State for consultation with or assistance to the physician licensed in this State and specify the date of the consultation or assistance, whether the unlicensed physician has provided such
    consultation or assistance, or both, to the licensed physician in the past, and the date of that
    consultation and assistance.
  2. A physician licensed in this State who consults with or receives assistance from a physician
    licensed in another state pursuant to subsection 1 shall comply with the provisions of chapter 629 of NRS governing the preparation, retention or dissemination of any health care record resulting from the consultation or assistance between the physician licensed in this State and the physician licensed in another state.
    (Added to NAC by Bd. of Medical Exam’rs, eff. 6-23-86; A by R045-09, 11-25-2009)

NAC 630.230 Prohibited professional conduct. (NRS 630.130, 630.275)

  1. A person who is licensed as a physician or physician assistant shall not:
    (a) Falsify records of health care; 6/18/2018